Meknes imperial capital, where an attractive and fun to live here. Despite the richness of the historical heritage, it still maintains the simplicity of its authenticity.
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The walls of Bab Mansour
In the seventeenth century, the work of the upper Sultan Moulay Ismail to make Meknes one of the most beautiful and the most powerful imperial cities of Morocco. To this day, this parameter is surrounded by forty kilometers of fences still, preserve the majestic effects including many of the mosques, which earned it the nickname "City percent minaret." Among these mosques, we recall the Great Mosque, which was built in the twelfth century, which features Bibwabh with beautiful carved cornices. Thanks to her hometown of antique and the rest of the royal palace of Meknes landmarks included within the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. The city is still thriving, thanks to agricultural crops plain Sais (cereals and olive trees and vines).
Gates and palaces
Bab Mansour was constructed in the early eighteenth century, and is one of the most beautiful doors in the world. This is the main entrance door to enter the historic city and visit the tomb of Sultan Moulay Ismail. And you are able to sit in a moment of overwhelming hopes on the edge of basin "Agdal" rectangle shape.
Markets and vital places
The ancient city of Meknes of the most beautiful ancient cities of Morocco notorious. Includes Square "Ahudam" that exist exactly between the ancient city and part of the imperial capital, covered market is active at dusk: Navtho fire, storytellers Busters animals and Hawwah, all included those contributing to the creation of a charming atmosphere of graduation than Ofattmoh.
Traditional culture
Regional Ethnographic Museum located Palace "University House" within the beautiful Andalusian character with a wonderful garden. And where you will find unique products from the city's past: jeweled embroidery thread of gold, ceramics and ancient jewelry, all elements give us an overview of the past glories of the kingdom.
Roman ruins
Just 31 kilometers north of Meknes, is the largest Romanian archaeological sites in Morocco: and Lily. Arc de Triomphe, the seat of power, the Temple of Bacchus, the effects of witnessing the beauty of the city and economic and political power, not to mention the decorations Alvesevsaúh kind gone viewers. And your journey will take at least two hours prior to arrival to these treasures.
Became the city of Meknes and the rule of Sultan in the seventeenth century, so that the period of the reign of Sultan Moulay Ismail made it comparable in terms of opulence and wealth was in effect at the time Palace "Versailles".
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